Infographic: Used Car Survey 2016

Where Can I Find the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)?

The vehicle identification number (VIN) is composed of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) that act as a unique identifier for the vehicle. A VIN displays the car's unique features, specifications and manufacturer.

The VIN can be found in a couple of places including on the car's registration label (1), on the compliance plate in the engine bay (2) or on the passenger side windshield (3), or on one of the door posts (where the door latches when it is closed) (4). See the image below:

Look for the VIN in these other locations:

  • Insurance card/Insurance policy
  • Vehicle title and registration certificate


Buying a used car this year?

We surveyed the market* and found out what's happening in the used car market, how Australians feel about buying a used car, the cost of buying a lemon... and more.

Check out the key results in this information-packed infographic.

Download our Used Car Survey 2016 Infographic.

Used Car Survey 2016 _1

Used Car Survey 2016_2



*CarHistory Used Car Survey 2016. The Leading Edge. March 2016. n = 807 Australian used car buyers aged 18-75 years.

View a sample report >